IKO Kyokushinkai Karate
Tiger Dojo Edinburgh
Welcome to Tiger Dojo Edinburgh Karate Club. Osu!
Sponsorship of our 3rd Annual Tournament on 10th May 2014, Edinburgh.
Sponsorship of the the Oyama Memorial Tournament, gives your business an excellent opportunity to reach out to a wide range of the general public. Not only are we expecting a large number of competitors but also we look forward to welcoming many spectators of all ages and from many different backgrounds.
We will soon be approaching local retailers and businesses to display our posters in locations throughout Edinburgh.
We therefore present the following sponsorship packages as detailed below.
We are also open to other sponsorship proposals so please contact us if you are interested in becoming a part of this fantastic day.

Sensei Miroslaw Pawlicki

E-mail: ikotigerdojoedinburgh@yahoo.co.uk

Blue Package
1. Logo on Posters
2. Logo on Leaflets
3. Large Banner on Website
Bronze Package
1. Logo on Posters
2. Logo on Leaflets
3. Large Banner on Website
4. Banner in Arena during Tournament
Silver Package
1. Logo on Posters
2. Logo on Leaflets
3. Large Banner on our Website
4. Company logo on Competitors Arm
5. Banner in Arena during Tournament
6. Thank You Statement in Press
7. Special Thank You Statement during Tournament Presentation Ceremony.
Gold Package
1. Logo on Posters
2. Logo on Leaflets
3. Large Banner on our Website
4. Company Logo below Start Number on the Back of Gi (uniform)
5. One Banner during the Tournament as Podium Background
6. Thank You Statement in Press
7. Opportunity to Exhibit or Take Part in Award Presentation at the Tournament